Major Contracts & Projects at ViGYAN

Research, Science, and Engineering Services (RSES)

The primary objective of the RSES contract is to conduct and support research and technology development in order to meet evolving NASA Langley Research Center mission objectives. It is a follow-on to the previous TEAMS3, STARRS, and NIA contracts. ViGYAN is a subcontractor to Analytical Mechanics Associates (AMA). Work requirements include support of scientific research, engineering design, analysis, and development technology readiness level (TRL) advancement of work associated with evolving NASA missions, implementation of technology programs, test implementation and operations systems analysis and conceptual design, and program/project management support. The work encompasses the full range of TRL from fundamental research through flight ready hardware design development. ViGYAN provides support in the areas of aerodynamics, wind tunnel testing and data analysis, data acquisition systems, unpiloted aircraft systems (UAS), and project management.

The RSES contract Tasks encompassed a broad scope of LaRC mission responsibilities and LaRC-based agency activities, such as the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) and IPAO, and included cooperative activities with other contractors, centers, and agencies. Task Order (TO) requirements included engineering design, analysis, and development; specific activities in support of ongoing research; technology readiness level advancement of aerospace and exploration-related technology; implementation of technology programs; test implementation and operations; and technical administration/management in varying details.

Center Maintenance, Operations and Engineering 2 (CMOE2)

The Center Maintenance, Operations and Engineering 2 (CMOE2) contract provides wind tunnel data quality analysis, high end facility systems engineering, Hardware design and fabrication, aerospace control systems, software development, systems studies, model systems hardware design and testing, test engineering. ViGYAN is a subcontractor to Jacobs Technology. ViGYAN offers engineering expertise in the following areas:

  • General controls, aerospace, mechanical, and electrical engineering support for advanced wind tunnel test hardware 
  • Open rotor

Program Analysis and Control V (PAAC V)

The Program Analysis and Control V (PAAC V) contract provides a wide range of mission support services to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), including general business, planning and scheduling, earned value management, document management, configuration management, and general accounting, assisting NASA in its planning and managing of missions, programs and projects. ViGYAN provides Center-wide scheduling and cost analysis support for proposal development activities at NASA LaRC as a subcontractor to ASRC Federal System Solutions. These positions support all Mission and organizational units and can encompass large- and small proposal efforts.

SLS Data Analysis

This RSES task provides wind tunnel testing support for the Space Launch System (SLS). It includes tasks to develop and perform analyses of experimental and computational aerodynamics results for the SLS vehicle for the purpose of estimating experimental, modeling, and overall uncertainties in the ascent, liftoff, and booster separation static aerodynamic databases.

Tail Cone Thruster

This project is a derivative of the ongoing SBIR Phase III Propeller Test Stand. For this task, however, ViGYAN is developing a compact 400 kW, 24000 rpm motor of less than 9” diameter to suit the confined space in a Tail Cone thruster fuselage model. This type of motor is not COTS (commercial off the shelf) and requires a custom design of stator and rotor with proper bearing systems, while optimizing the volume of the stator to provide maximum power at 24000 rpm. The aim of this phase is to identify optimal motor components, cooling systems and design of the drive motor, bearing, and shaft that interfaces with the rotary balance.

Flight Dynamics

This task supports the LaRC Flight Dynamics Branch (FDB), primarily in the area of wind tunnel data acquisition systems. As-needed for specific test activities, subtasks modify FDB data acquisition software programs (static and dynamic aerodynamic forces and moments, on- and off-body pressures, video-based motion time histories, etc.) for 12- Foot Low Speed Tunnel (12-Foot), 14×22 Foot Subsonic Tunnel (14×22), 20-Foot Vertical Spin Tunnel (VST), and portable systems used in various other facilities).

In addition, we develop new data acquisition system capabilities as-needed, provide support for the data acquisition software during FDB wind tunnel testing, and archive/retrieve current and historical data resulting from FDB wind tunnel tests

Open Rotor Electrical Drive

ViGYAN supports the development of powered wind tunnel testing of advanced engine configurations for both jet and propeller type propulsion devices. The program aims to culminate in powered integrated open rotor/Ultra Fan NTF wind tunnel testing at transonic high Reynolds number conditions. In order to be able to support the task, we explored the requirements for isolated Open Rotor testing using electrical drive options.

Open rotor testing envisages use of following propeller drive requirements:

  • 12″ diameter propellers
  • 15000 rpm speed
  • About 120 HP or about 90 kW power (approximately 45 kW or 60 HP for each drive)

Propeller Test Stand

The NASA Langley Low Speed Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel (LSAWT) performs acoustic signature evaluations of various aerodynamic test articles. It has traditional been used for propulsion models simulating turbines with heated air. The wind tunnel has an open jet test section whose plenum is the anechoic chamber. An induced draft fan provides suction of atmospheric air with the following wind tunnel test capabilities for the open jet in the anechoic chamber.

The NASA Langley Low Speed Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel (LSAWT) performs acoustic signature evaluations of various aerodynamic test articles. It has traditional been used for propulsion models simulating turbines with heated air. The wind tunnel has an open jet test section whose plenum is the anechoic chamber. An induced draft fan provides suction of atmospheric air with the following wind tunnel test capabilities for the open jet in the anechoic chamber. Characteristics of LSAWT flow are:

One natural extension of the NASA LSAWT capabilities is acoustic studies on propeller-mounted vehicles and the measurement of propeller generated noise.  To analyze propeller noise signatures, the NASA Langley Research Center  (LaRC) Aeroacoustics Branch, Research Directorate (D314) has  initiated a project to build a Propeller Test Stand (PTS).

The project is being implemented through a SBIR Phase III contract with ViGYAN, Inc. The three-year effort is comprised of activities including a motor evaluation, detailed design, fabrication, and install/test in the LSAWT.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

ViGYAN has been active in the development and use of advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes for the analysis of complex fluid physics. It’s VGRID unstructured grid generation methodology became a part of the NASA Langley TetrUSS software system; this software has won two NASA Software of the Year awards (1996 and 2014).

Damper System

The ViGYAN Active Damping technology was originally conceived in 2005 and 2006 through an Air Force small business innovation research SBIR award. The system uses wind tunnel balance signals to detect and minimize unwanted vibrations of wind tunnel models mounted on a cantilevered sting. Subsequent versions of the system were implemented at the NASA Langley Research Center and NASA Ames for larger models and operations at cryogenic conditions.

The current operational active damping systems attenuate vibrations in the pitch and yaw axes. They function by utilizing piezoceramic actuators located at the base of the sting to counteract the vibrations caused by aerodynamic turbulence, especially at higher angles of attack.  Even though the size and utility of the systems have improved since its original development, the basic concept remains the same and continues to use ViGYAN proprietary control laws and code. The latest production version of the system, being developed for the Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) under a Phase III SBIR contract, will addresses roll axis vibration and snap-back. 

ViGYAN was recently awarded an Air Force SBIR to explore an advanced damper concept that eliminates the piezoceramic actuators (prone to breakage) and includes an automatic tuning system for simpler implementation. 

The relevant SBIR contracts are F051-297-1394 (Phase I) and FA9101-15-C-0043 (Phase III), both for Air Force AEDC.

Aircraft Gust

Atmospheric turbulence impacts aircraft safety, costs and utility. From 1988 to 2001, turbulence cost the airline Industry $31 billion, as a result of injuries, grounded aircraft, diversions, delays and cancellations due to reduced airspeed and increased fuel usage.

General Aviation aircraft have fewer options than airliners to avoid turbulence and consequently face greater hazards. As a result, many small aircraft may find themselves encountering unable to fly for many days each year. This limitation is a definite factor in the lack of acceptance, by the general public, of personal aircraft.

Turbulence hurts… the bottom line.

The application of an effective Active Ride Improvement System to both commercial airliners and small airplanes would improve safety, reduce costs, and lead to better utilization of general aviation airports around the country. While the system is applicable to all classes of aircraft, imagine the impact on market share of the first “little airplane” to have an effective Active Ride Improvement System.

System Concept and Design

Gust alleviation systems have been tried many times, but the results have been unacceptable on small airplanes due to their complexity and inability to move conventional controls fast enough to offset the gust lift as it happens. ViGYAN’s Active Ride Improvement System is an open loop system with ‘leading’ sensing and small chord flaps that are more efficient aerodynamically than the large chord flaps, and can be moved fast enough (due to 1000 times less inertia) to practically kill the gust lift as it happens. 

For typical high-cruise general aviation aircraft, our analysis indicates that 90% of the gust lift can be alleviated with the Active Ride Improvement system. 

Currently, ViGYAN is developing a wind-tunnel demonstration of these principles with a 1/12-scale wing-body model. 

ViGYAN has discussed the program with several General Aviation companies about forming a partnership that will take the project to the next level. 

ViGYAN, Inc, provides aerospace research and development services to a wide range of corporate, government clients and non-profit clients. Business areas include: wind tunnel testing in ViGYAN’s low speed wind tunnel, scientific, engineering, software development, and computer technology support.

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 47QRAA21D0023

ViGYAN provides Testing Laboratory, Engineering, Research and Development, Integrated Logistics Support, and Engineering System Design Professional Services under a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). Please see our GSA Multiple Award Schedule page for additional details.

NAVY Seaport NxG N0017821D9444

Seaport NxG a professional services IDIQ contract with the U.S. Navy. The engineering services category covers 12 functional areas, including engineering, system engineering and safety and process engineering support; research and development; and software engineering, development, programming and network support. The program management category encompasses 11 functional areas, including financial analysis and budget support; quality assurance; and computer systems analysts. Please see out Seaport page for additional details.

FAA eFAST 693KA9-22-A-00277

ViGYAN provides Professional Services in the functional areas of Air Transportation Support, Business Administration & Management, Research & Development, Engineering, Computer/Information Systems Development, and Computer Systems Support to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under an eFAST contract. Please see our FAA eFAST page for additional details.

Defense Logistics Agency/Aviation RETDI 2 SPE4A2-23-A-0001

ViGYAN provides commercial, non-personal reverse engineering services in support of DLA’s Reverse Engineering Technical Data Initiative (RETDI) – Generation II program.


One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) is a government wide, multiple award, IDIQ acquisition program designed to address government agencies’ mission needs for a full range of service requirements that integrate multiple service disciplines and ancillary services and products. ViGYAN is an OASIS+ subcontractor to Analytical Structures and Materials (AS&M), as well as an OASIS+ subcontractor to ThreatTec.