TetrUSS – Support Training & Support FAQ Details

What does the ViGYAN TetrUSS training cover, and how long are the sessions?

The ViGYAN TetrUSS training course provides training on the use of each of the component codes in TetrUSS. Specifically, the following topics are covered:

    • Using GridTool (the graphical preprocessor to VGRID) to prepare VGRID input data.
    • Using VGRID and POSTGRID to generate unstructured tetrahedral grids suitable for inviscid and viscous CFD analysis.
    • Using the USM3D flow solver and associated software.

    NOTE: The robust and user-friendly design built into many of the component codes within TetrUSS allows it to be used by individuals who do not necessarily possess specific expertise in the fields of grid generation or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). However, it should be noted that the effective use of the component codes within TetrUSS assumes a working knowledge of fundamental Fluid Dynamics and CFD principles. The ViGYAN TetrUSS training course is not an introductory Fluid Dynamics or CFD course, and is therefore not meant or designed to provide attendees with these fundamentals. Rather, the course augments the fundamentals and draws on them to maximize the effectiveness of the attendee’s use of the system.

    The training course is a 4-day session (Tuesday to Friday), with each day beginning at 9:30 AM and ending at 4:30 PM (with a break for lunch from 11:30 AM to 1 PM). Typically, the flow of the course content is as follows:


    Welcome session:

    • Introduction to unstructured grid generation.
    • Introduction to TetrUSS
    • GridTool lecture:
    • Session 1 – surfaces, point and curve creation.


             GridTool lecture:

            • Session 2 – surface patch creation & spacing specification.
            • Hands-on GridTool session.
            • VGRID/POSTGRID lecture:
            • Session 1 – surface grid generation.


                     VGRID/POSTGRID lecture:

                     Session 2 – volume grid generation.

                      • Hands-on VGRID/POSTGRID session.
                      • USM3D lecture:
                      • Session 1


                             USM3D lecture:

                            • Session 2
                            • Final wrap-up

                                How much does the training cost?

                                 The cost per attendee for the 4-day session is as follows:

                                  • Clients from commercial companies: $3500 per attendee
                                  • Civil-service clients from NASA centers and US government research labs: $3000 per attendee
                                  • University faculty, staff, and full-time students: $2000 per attendee
                                  • Single trainee: $4500

                                           Write us for information on group rates (3 or more attendees from the same organization).

                                           NOTE: These prices include 45 days of unlimited phone and e-mail support (as described in more detail in our support options page).

                                          Can trainees work on their own configurations during the training sessions?

                                           The ViGYAN training staff uses a number of “standard” geometries on which to demonstrate the usage and features of the programs involved. However, trainees can bring configurations representative of the problems they are working on to the training. The “hands-on” sessions that are scheduled throughout the week allow trainees time to apply the skills they have just learned to their specific cases. In the interest of making maximum use of the trainees’ (and the trainer’s) time, we strongly recommend that the trainees take the time to ensure that their surface definitions are readable by (i.e. can be imported into) GridTool without any problems before the training session. Please refer to pages 16-17 of the GridTool user’s manual.  for details on the supported input formats.

                                           GridTool: A Tool for Structured & Unstructured Grid Generation

                                          Where are the training sessions held and how do I get there?

                                          The training classes are held at ViGYAN’s headquarters located at 30 Research Drive, Hampton, VA 23666-1325.

                                           The Hampton Roads area has two main airports:

                                          • Newport News-Williamsburg International
                                          • Norfolk International

                                               A sampling of the closest hotels can be found on our lodging page.

                                              When is the next TetrUSS training session?

                                              The next TetrUSS training session is scheduled for December 2-5, 2024. Submit the enrollment form by November 21st, 2024, to sign up for that session. A minimum of two trainees is needed to actually hold a session. If enough trainees have not signed up by the enrollment deadline, a cancellation notice will be sent out the day after the sign-up deadline. Please see our cancellation policy below. Write to us (or call us at (757) 865-1400 ) for details

                                              How do I sign up for training?

                                               You can sign up by completing the enrollment form before the training session cut-off date. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us.

                                              What do trainees receive as part of the training?

                                              All trainees receive the latest documentation on VGRID and USM3D in hard-copy and electronic formats. These include User Guides, class examples, as well as QuickTime-based tutorial videos. In addition, all trainees receive the latest version of SimpleView, a ViGYAN-developed grid and solution visualization tool/post-processor for TetrUSS. The SimpleView User Guide (7MB PDF file) is also supplied, along with sample data sets.

                                              Forty-five days of free post-training support (as described in our support plan options) is also included, as is lunch for two of the four training days.

                                              What platforms are available in the ViGYAN training facility?

                                              The ViGYAN TetrUSS training course is typically conducted on Apple PowerMac G5 workstations running Mac OS X. The ViGYAN training facility also has one Linux workstation available for use. The features found in the TetrUSS codes are common across the platforms; as such, although the training is conducted using the Mac OS X versions of the component codes, the skills learned are easily transferable to versions of TetrUSS that run on other platforms.

                                              Note that although one can still request the SGI version of the TetrUSS component codes from the NASA TetrUSS team (via their request form), https://tetruss.larc.nasa.gov/request-tetruss/ only the Mac and Linux versions reflect the very latest features.

                                              What do trainees need to do to prepare for the training?

                                              We strongly suggest that trainees obtain the latest copy of the TetrUSS codes prior to the training. That way, they can apply their newly-learned skills immediately upon completion of the training. Obtaining the latest versions of the GridTool, VGRID and POSTGRID codes is of particular importance. Specifically, trainees are encouraged to import/read in the surface definition(s) of the configurations they will be working on into GridTool, to ensure that their surface definition is one that GridTool can understand and work with. Please refer to the GridTool user’s manual for details on the supported input formats (see pages 16-17 of the manual).

                                              Where can trainees get the latest version of TetrUSS?

                                              Each of the codes comprising TetrUSS is developed, maintained, and distributed by NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). The latest release version of TetrUSS can be obtained by submitting a request to the TetrUSS team via the online request form.

                                              What is our training cancellation policy?

                                              ViGYAN, Inc., reserves the right to cancel a training session if fewer than two trainees are enrolled by the training session cut-off date (unless a trainee has paid the single-trainee rate). Enrollment is not official until the trainee(s) have contacted ViGYAN with a credit card number or a purchase order. Trainees who cancel an enrollment later than two weeks prior to the training session are liable for the full training fee.